
Choose Their Own Adventure


I used to love to read “Choose Your Own Adventure” books. Some of the best were by Edward Packard. I loved them because I was in control of the decisions. I chose where the heroes went. (And if I didn’t like the choice, I would keep my finger on the previous page and just go back to it. Maybe that’s cheating, but who didn’t do that?!) This weekend, I picked one up for my son to read so he can experience the same adventures that I did with these stories.

Today, consumers are choosing their own adventure before buying.

In today’s socially connected world, every consumer is on a choose your own adventure journey. Before the majority of consumers buy a product or pay for a service, they start researching online. They ask their friends who they would recommend. They crowdsource answers on Facebook or read reviews on Yelp. We compare and contrast by price (lowest to highest), by customer ratings (best to worst) and by the detailed amount of features or services listed.

We are all bombarded by content. Every. Single. Day. Research would also say that the attention span of a human (8 seconds) is now shorter than a goldfish (9 seconds) (via cbc news). Consumers are choosing to engage only with content that is personally relevant to them and adds value to their everyday life.

How do you cut through the clutter? How are you reaching your potential customers? Are they choosing to read the content you share? Do they click through to your website only to be turned off by the design or the way your site functions (or rather… malfunctions)? You could say that they “kept their finger on the previous page” and just hit the back button to revisit their Google search. Give them the adventure they are looking for by having relevant content, a user-friendly website, or a value-adding social media presence.

Consumers today are more prepared than ever BEFORE they even contact you!

If your company is not proactively marketing and finding out how to get in front of the decision-makers and the time of purchase (or at least the start of their research), you need to rethink your strategy. As your brand and marketing consultant, I can help you make certain that your organization is consistent in messaging across all of your online avenues, including your website, social media and online advertising. If you are still stuck in old school, more traditional marketing tactics, let’s start a conversation today about converting your efforts to digital marketing.

I can help you guide potential customers through a choose their own adventure… with your business as the central hero in the story.

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